Tuesday 10 February 2015

Time Project.

For this project we were given the themes of Border, city and time. I was attracted more to the theme of time as I felt it was a wider ranging subject that I could work myself into more. After thinking about all my own experiences I decided to look back to places where I had fainted or had a near death experience. I included places i had fainted due to the fact that when I was younger i believed that fainting was the same as half dying, as if you had used up half your life, and the next time you were going to faint you would in fact die. I went back to all the places within my immediate area that I had experienced a fear of dying, mostly from fainting or being very nearly hit by a car, and photographed them. I made sure never to photograph them never from my point of view, but always as if I was observing the area I remembered being most from several different angles. In the future I would like to work my memories onto them, to try and convey what I was feeling at the time in order to make them more personal.

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